Today was Sunday.
October 31, 2010
Hold The Pen.
October 30, 2010
October 19, 2010
Silent, or Spoken.
It’s 3:23 in the afternoon and I’m sitting in the school library. I seem to have a certain love for libraries, especially this one. The minute you walk in your nostrils are flooded with the thick scent of old pages and bent spines, and this tiny four-walled room is lit with white sunlight pouring in through the windows. But, the real reason I love this room most, is because it puts thoughts in my head…thoughts of peace, tranquility, and drive. This room inspires me to no end. When I sit in this chair with my forearms upon this desk, all I want to do is write, and all I care about is letters, words, or silly feelings and dreams sprawled across thin paper. When I sit in this chair, time means nothing to me; its ticking notion is but a distant memory in the corner of my mind. When I sit in this chair, I don’t remember where I am, nor do I even care.
October 14, 2010
Thai Food & Paris Awaiting.
Today was such an awesome day. After three amazing lectures this morning, I skipped our usual free lunches, and went for Thai food with a friend. There's this delicious thai restaurant just down the street from the school. Our first choice was to indulge ourselves in french-fry pizza (yes, cheese pizza covered in french fries, you heard right!!!) but Germany has such weird hours for restaurants. Most only open at 5 PM. But this Thai place was open and it was the perfect place for some much needed, one-on-one, girl-talk.
To be honest, (does anyone else feel like I use that phrase alot? "to be honest?" Ah well, I guess I'm just an honest person) here at this school you meet so many people in so few days, that alot of the relationships are more on the...shallow side. Now, please don't misunderstand or misquote me. What I mean is that with most people, not all, but with most, the conversations consist of "dude, let's bike to Kaufland " or "what are you doing for travel weekend?" or "how about that lecture?!?" Other than our K-group meetings (small-groups) testimony sharing nights, late night bedroom talks, there's not much opportunity for intimate moments with people. There's always things to do, books to read, or places to see. Everyone, including myself is so caught up in trying to see everyone, and do everything that it's easy to just leave....depth out of conversations.
So what I'm getting at, is that this one-on-one girl talk I had at this Thai restaurant was absolutely amazing. We talked about so many things, that were actually DEEP and heart-filled. It was absolutely wonderful. I love learning about other people and their life stories. I have been craving this amount of depth for quite a long time, and I still am. I hope this is making sense.
I'm pumped that I had a chance to blog tonight! That makes me happy. I love keeping in touch with ya'll.
Oh one last ounce of news, we're offered a "Travel Weekend" in November and then again in the spring. Which is where we can choose to go anywhere in the world we want to, and I am!!!
How will I ever sleep tonight? :)
October 13, 2010
Astronomical Grace
I don't even know what to say. There's so much on my mind these days. The lectures spoken by Peter Reid are...amazing. Absolutely amazing. I learn something one minute, prepare to soak it all in, and then I'm bombarded with more words of wisdom. It's almost overwhelming...but it's a good kind of overwhelming. If that makes sense. I think I'm gonna start putting some of these things I'm learning on this blog.
October 10, 2010
10K Part Two
So...about that 10K race...
October 9, 2010
So, yesterday I wrote the most amazing blog entry ever, and then the wireless cut out and only half of it got saved onto my draft. And of course I'm much too lazy/time-constrained to attempt writing anything up to par.
Yesterday was International night; I wore my Canadian flags and red war paint proudly. Today I went to a flea market. I bought a bracelet, and a miniature antique globe. And tomorrow...I'm going on a 10K run. So just to warn you, I may not be alive by this time tomorrow. It was nice knowing ya'll.
Guten Nacht. :)
October 6, 2010
A Day in the Life.
"Wow, it has sure been a long time since I've dusted off the old blog. For the sake of my family and close friends (and whoever else may be even slightly interested), I decided that I'm going to fill you in on what my daily schedule is like here at bible school in Germany. Here we go!
First, the appointed cow-bell ringer (its an obnoxious sound, but we remember not to shoot the messenger) goes through all the dorms and wakes us all up at 7:15. I get dressed in 15 minutes (easy as pie) and we all head to the dining hall for breakfast from 7:30-8:00. Each of us were given certain work duties that we do for 4 weeks, and then we all switch them up; some are granted cleaning floors, vegetable prep, scrubbing toilets (Heaven forbid I ever get that job!!!), and then there's me...dining hall vacuumer! I, believe it or not, along with a fellow man-friend, vacuum the dining all three times a day for 4 weeks. If my math is correct, this means I vacuum 84 times these four weeks, all adding up to 21 hours. WHAT AN HONOUR. My right bicep is gonna be bulging in no time!
Anyway, back to my exciting daily schedule. After I'm done my breakfast vacuuming duty, I have about 45 minutes to spare before lecture, so if I'm not socializing, then I'm reading my Bible or I'm walking down to the lake with my iPod. This morning the lake was coated with whispy fog and the 12 swans were disappearing one by one into this soft grey blanket. It was absolutely beautiful. It was probably the first time I had ever been alone since school started. (weirdly enough, I haven't been craving my alone-time nearly as much as I did last year. hmm...)
When 9 AM rolls around, all 108 of us sit ourselves down in the lecture hall. These lectures are awesome, that's all I'm gonna say. Oh wait, I guess I could include that during the morning lectures I'm extremely fatigued and always come very close to falling asleep. But it's all good.
At 10:10 we have a fifteen minute coffee break, which is when we all head into the Honeycomb for some coffee, tea, sandwiches, and fruit. (I LOVE FOOD) Then we have another lecture until 12:30, which is divided into two with a 5 minute break.
Lunch is at 12:30 in the dining hall. Which means guessed it! Vacuuming time!! So from lunch time 'till 5:45 is free time. During this free time (frei zeit) I usually: bike to Friedrichshafen, shop at H&M, buy some Bounty Bar ice cream, bike some more, walk to Kaufland (supermarket), play volleyball, hang out in the Honeycomb, tan, go boating, jump in the lake, check my facebook for like a total of 5 seconds, read my Bible, and all of this includes being surrounded by incredibly awesome people.
After supper is finished, I vacuum AGAIN, for the last but not least time of the day. Then I usually play volleyball, or attend some kind of group meeting. We then have lectures from 7:15 till 9 PM, divided with a 10 minute break.
After lectures is either a) a super awesome & spontaneous sweaty dance party, b) a party in the sauna, c) jumping into the freezing cold lake, or d) owning people at Fuss-ball.
Then lights are out at 11 PM. Now, just imagine...what also takes place during this time, is me eating Crispy M&Ms, ice cream, and Bounty Bars any second I have free. I also STILL have a cold, how annoying. Oh, also imagine doing all of these daily activities with a dislocated rib. Yes folks, it's true, I'm pretty positive I have a dislocated rib. I was laying in bed one night, feeling my left rib, then my right rib, and then my left rib again. Talk about a huge difference. My left rib is definitely juttin' out or something. After I psoted my last blog entry titled "Cough" a friend emailed me and said that it could be worse than just a pulled fact, it could be a dislocated rib. I googled it and sure enough, it's totally possible and the symptoms seem to match up. I'm too lazy/busy to figure out what I should do, but if one of you emails me and tells me that I have to go get surgery on it, then FORGET IT!!! I have zero pain tolerance. Plus, who dislocates their rib from coughing? Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be, waltzing into the hospital and having to exclaim "yeah, I'm just an intense cougher. No big deal." Sigh.
Oh, and I swear everyday someone comes up to me and is like "You have Taylor Swift hair!" And then I just melt. There's no greater compliment. Well...there is, but in all seriousness, it makes my day. (p.s- her new album comes out on the 25th!!)
Last week I hiked a Swiss Alp! I wanted to die meanwhile, but the view made it all so worth it. Like, wow. I will post pictures on facebook one day. One day...
Anyway, I left out a whole bunch of details, but that's OK. I'm just proud of myself for actually being able to sit down and write for a bit. I'm definitely behind on my Bible reading right now. I blame the amazing weather and the amazing people who are effortlessly skilled at distracting me.
This blog entry definitely does not portray my writing skill whatsoever, in fact I probably sound like I'm a little high-school girl writing her in diary about a boy. Ha haaaa.
Love you all, and good night! Hi Mom! :)