December 31, 2014

New Years Eve!

1. Tell me something about the person you kissed on New Year’s Eve 2013?
He is my husband, and he has the most gorgeous brown eyes. AND he has great taste in hockey teams, The Winnipeg Jets!!
2. Three good things that happened in 2014?
1) Graduated culinary school!
2) Got married!
3) Went on the honeymoon of my dreams, Disney World!! :) (Yes, I am actually 12 years old at heart).
3. The biggest change of 2014?
I definitely want to say moving to the US. Marrying Jarryd didn't even feel like that big of a change, compared to me moving to a whole different country!
4. What are you most looking forward to in 2015?
To get more settled into our new community, and to feel more familiar with the area, the people, and the way of life here.
5. Two things you have planned for 2015?
1) Visit home (Canada!!)
2) Get a job!! Hopefully it is somewhere doing something that I love!!
6. What’s your New Year’s resolution?
To start a "read your Bible in one year" thing. I haven't exactly started it yet though...but it is something I have always wanted to do!
7. Have you lost any people in 2014?
Thankfully no, but moving away from home kind of feels like I have. On that note, I am so thankful for Facebook, FaceTime, and Skype, for making it so easy to keep in contact.
8. What age will you become in 2015?
24 years old! My goodness!! But hey, this means I am one year away from having my car insurance drastically drop in price! Yay!
9. What stage will you be in your job/education in 2015?
I am done with education...for now, I think. As for job, it will be just the beginning!
10. Something bad that happened in 2014?
Thankfully, nothing painfully bad. I'd say the worst of it was my major anxiety from January 'til June...regarding all things wedding. Haha!
11. Who do you think you will kiss on New Years Eve 2015?
Do you even need to ask?
12. What are your plans for this New Years?
We double-booked ourselves accidentally, so we will spend a few hours at one party and then make our way to the next! ;)
13. Are there any big changes you want to make in 2015?
I know that this may sound trite, but I honestly just want to grow closer to God. Jarryd and I are in the middle of reading "You and Me Forever" by Francis Chan and his wife, and the greatest piece of advice you could ever receive from a marriage book or ANY self-help book for that matter, is that when your relationship with God is thriving, the rest of your relationships will thrive. This is what I want! I want my thoughts to be transformed.
14. What do you hope to achieve in 2015?
Well, since you asked...I would love to make more girlfriends here, finish reading my massive culinary textbook "Professional Cooking" by Wayne Gisslen, read some more books, blog on a regular basis, do as much traveling as possible, finish all of our thank-you cards from the wedding (Yikes!), learn to cook and bake more things, possibly start exercising again...possibly/ has been SO long, visit the ocean (naturally, of course), be as good of a pianist as I once was (practice! practice! practice!), and...learn to live outside of myself. :)
15. What is happening in your country in 2015?
I don't want to talk about it...not at all. Haha!

Happy New Years, and here is a photo of us from our very first Christmas together!

xoxo Jenny

December 14, 2014

I Shall Not Want.

From the love of my own comfort
From the fear of having nothing
From a life of worldly passions
Deliver me O God

From the need to be understood
From the need to be accepted
From the fear of being lonely
Deliver me O God
Deliver me O God

And I shall not want, I shall not want
When I taste Your goodness I shall not want
When I taste Your goodness I shall not want

From the fear of serving others
From the fear of death or trial
From the fear of humility
Deliver me O God
Deliver me O God

And I shall not want, I shall not want
When I taste Your goodness I shall not want

No, I shall not want, I shall not want
When I taste Your goodness I shall not want

When I taste Your goodness I shall not want

December 8, 2014

Newly Wedded.

1. How long have you been married?
5 1/2 months! Woweee, that sure flew by!

2. What is your biggest pet peeve about your spouse? 
Hmm...I think it's extremely weird that he drinks our milk, juice, and any liquid for that matter straight from the carton! I cannot fathom this strange habit of his... (Although I feel quite lucky that this is the worst I have to deal with! haha)

3. What is your relationship with your in-laws like?
I truly love my mother and father in law. They're some of the most welcoming and generous people I've ever met! For example, when Jarryd and I first stepped foot into our little apartment post-wedding/honeymoon, we were welcomed with brand new beautiful couches that they bought for us, a fridge and pantry filled with groceries, and a sweet card & photo from our wedding placed on our dining room table. It was so awesome coming home to that! Besides that, my in-laws are seriously so hilarious, and tell the best stories. I'm constantly entertained. :)

4. Do you and your spouse tell each other everything?
Yes, absolutely yes. We talk about anything and everything with each other, which was always a staple in our relationship since it began four years ago. (His openness and honesty is something I've always greatly appreciated about him)!

5. Is there anything you would change about your spouse?
I wish he disliked my baking, then there'd be more left for me! Hahah, jokes. (In fact I'm so thankful that Jarryd loves my cooking and baking!)

6. If you could be at any stage in your relationship what would it be? Example: {dating, engagement, wedding, newlywed...etc.}
I love this question! Well let's see, was an absolute blast! I loved how in the beginning I had so much trouble eating because he was all I could think about. I was a nervous-butterfly-filled mess! And one of the amazing parts about long distance was finally (after 3+ months apart) disembarking the plane at the Baltimore airport, and walking out to the baggage claim to see Jarryd, holding a bouquet of flowers, and finallyyyyyyyy hugging while our hearts bursted and melted at the same time. Reuniting after months apart was one of the most magical feelings! Despite many years of long distance, it never got old. <3
When it came to the Engagement stage of our relationship...I'd say that was my least favourite. The day after that gorgeous ring went on my finger, our "simply love, and be in love" romance suddenly turned into a "plan plAN and PLAAAN some more  takeover! With our long distance giving us limited amounts of time together anyway, the time we did have together was just spent planning...we hardly had time to talk about "us" things. I swear we almost eloped, wedding planning was just not for us. But we survived and are glad it's over! ;)
The being married/newlywed my FAVOURITE. I just love everything about it. I love how it's so team-oriented, companion-focused. We work together to maintain this beautiful bond that we have. I just appreciate how he's always there, how we love reading the Bible together and can bounce ideas and questions off each other for hours, how I always have someone to watch movies with, how we watch hockey together (Winnipeg Jets!!), and how he appreciates all things FOOD as much as I do. :D

7. What would your spouse say your best and worst trait(s) are?
He always tells me I'm an amazing cook and baker. He's literally loved every meal I've ever made, (well, except for that overcooked butternut squash disaster which we won't talk about).
He also thinks I'm really funny, which is just beyond me (I see myself as rather awkward). He finds my introvert-esque tendencies to be fascinating.
But overall, I know he appreciates my morals/values and outlook on life. I'm more traditional than most and he really loves that about me. <3
Worst trait? He doesn't really like how long it takes for me to admit what is upsetting me. For example, "Jenny, what's wrong?" Me: "Nothing." Aaaand repeat 10x and I'll finally have my real answer. :)

8. What would your spouse say your most attractive features are?
He would say: literally everything. What a sweetie. But he especially loves to comment on and admire the shape of my face...

9. What is your favorite part about living together?
I absolutely love being totally goofy together in the comfort of our own home. We are so incredibly weird but I love it! I also love the safety and security of having a strong man around the house, to kill all the spiders for me. <3

10. Who does the cooking?
It depends! In the rare occasion that he's had a relaxing day off and I've been out and about, he will offer to make dinner. But because he's the one working full-time, it's usually me. And I have a culinary degree, so it's obviously something I love to do!! Then there's days where we just cook together because we have so much fun doing it, (he is amazing at it too!!).

xoxo Jenny.

December 5, 2014

Our Wedding Highlight Video!

For those of you who haven't seen, the highlight video from our wedding is here!! Just 3 minutes and 17 seconds of the most romantic and fun day of my life {although the amount of work to get to that day wasn't so fun, haha!}. Please watch and enjoy!!

Jennifer & Jarryd from Jordan Popowich on Vimeo.

xoxo Jenny

December 1, 2014


Today is the first of December, and it got me thinking: wow, it has sure been a wild year. So much has much has changed. Sadly, I haven't taken the time to blog about any of it!
But I'd say that not "taking the time" isn't my genuine excuse...

Truthfully, When I compare my current 2014 life with my former 2009 life, I haven't felt like my life has been that interesting lately. What I mean to say is, when I started this blog back in 2009, it was when I felt like my life was at its peak. I was in my final year of high school about to graduate. Me, a mere small-town girl from the prairies got accepted to Trinity Western University, an awesome school on the west-coast of Canada. I had these huge dreams, an insane amount of bravery, (and an annoying vat of boy issues, which is always entertaining to read about on a blog). I was starting my first year of university at a school where I didn't know a soul! It was an amazing and challenging year. And then the year after that I flew to Bible School in Germany all by myself, and experienced six months of learning God's Word, traveling Europe, and making great friends (and a future-husband, wink wink)! I mean, who wouldn't want to read a blog all about a somewhat-naive-(lets-just-admit-it) single girl traveling the world?

They say...that real faith in your walk with Christ begins when you step out of your comfort zone. I guess I felt like those were the craziest, most adventurous years of my life and were worth the zillions of blog posts. So when I compare my present life, with my "college-years" life, I don't have much of an urge to write. Especially when I browse through the blogosphere and notice that all newly-wed blogs are--roughly--the same, where EVERYONE owns a "fur baby". I don't want to be a clone of the typical newly-wed blog...although I really do want a cat...really badly.

It is really silly of me to compare my different stages of "lives" since, the 2009-me has shaped me into the 2014-me. And how could I possibly compare the two? They are so different and beautiful, crazy, adventurous, and faith-testing in their own way. When I put all my insecurities aside, I really am pleased with how everything has turned out and how many of my dreams I have reached--unexpected dreams included!

(Since my days of avid-blogging, a few things have happened!)

I completed my final year of Bible College where I earned my A.A Social Sciences degree, and also realized my love for being in the kitchen. (I went from desiring a profession in Counseling to desiring a profession in Culinary!)

I then moved back to my home province (Manitoba!) where I worked two jobs that had some of the most amazing co-workers. I will never ever forget them!

And THEN (I will always, always, always kick myself for not being a disciplined blogger about this stage in my life, then again school + getting engaged = no time) I moved to Ontario and attended Culinary school! I have never loved school so much! I however would like to write a "throwback" blog entry about my culinary school days, so stayed tuned!

And now we are here. I am MARRIED, and have been married for over five months now. I am living in one of the most beautiful areas in the U.S.! I have my own apartment (that I share with the hubs of course). I have my own Keurig (also shared, haha). I have my own kitchen, (which is a dream come true for me) where I do a ton of cooking and baking! Translation: I'm just in this new and unique time of life where I am adjusting to being married and settling into an entirely different country all at once, different home, different church, different friends, different family...different everything. {Same God though!}

So I guess what I am trying to say here, is that although I may not be living in Europe, visiting the Eiffel tower on weekends and eating at lavish creperies for breakfast, I still find my current life to be interesting and special in its own way, and keeping a record of it isn't such a terrible idea. I also hope that whoever is reading this (IF anyone is reading this) finds it interesting as well...then again, it's my blog and I can write about whatever I so desire. :)

{I still have hair, it's just in a bun}

XoXo Jenny