Hey!! It's that time again, the time when I share with you some random, weird, funny, absurd, and quirky facts about me that make me who I am. I've done this a couple times before, so forgive me if I have shared the same facts twice over the years.
1. This isn't a very fun fact actually, but I'm gonna share it anyway. At my last trip to the eye doctor, I found out I had: Pinguecula. (A fun word to say, right?!) It's a raised yellow bump(s) on the whites of my eyes. They're caused from too much sun exposure--so apparently I went on one too many cruises and Florida vacations without wearing any sunglasses. It's super annoying because it actually stings and then the rest of my eye-whites get inflamed and therefore turn red. Yes, my eyes are always red and I hate it. Of course, I should count my blessings because there are worse health-issues that I could be stuck with, but it doesn't change the fact that this stinks. My eyes always feel so dry, as if my eyes haven't "slept" in days. So those of you who have beautiful white eye-whites, FEEL SPECIAL and know that I am jealous of you.
2. One of my greatest pet peeves is when people use the same word in a sentence twice. For example, "I'm feeling so many feelings". Gahhh. I'm cringing just typing that. Or "this stressful situation is causing me so much stress". Just please stop. 😫
3. High-strung, intense, fast-paced people bother me. Why are you expending SO much energy on such minuscule tasks?! Just take a breath and slow down before your inevitable-future-heart-attack catches up to you.