September 1, 2009

Dear Near-Future...

...I hope that you won't let me cry too much tonight when I have to say goodbye to my best friend. Or tomorrow when I have to say goodbye to my sister. :(

I hope that the saying, "better safe than sorry" means true when it comes to packing for University, and I hope that you made enough room in the car for all of my stuff. 8 pairs of shoes, over 3 weeks worth of underwear, 12 tanktops, 14 t-shirts, 3 dresses, 11 sweaters, 9 pairs of pants, 5 shorts/skirts, and 2 weeks worth of socks is a safe amount of clothing articles, right? (Hahahahaaa...sigh.)

I hope that you'll make this zit disappear before tomorrow.

I hope that you will let me truly thrive in my independence.

I hope that you won't let my photo-printer run out of ink. I need photos!!

I hope that you'll allow for this excitement to overpower and prevail the nervousness inside of me.

I hope that you will provide me with a large (enough) dorm room, and a large (enough) closet, since I forgot how big my closet is here at home. Haha...

I hope that when I arrive on Saturday, that you won't let me do anything or wear anything too embarrassing. First impressions are vital...aren't they?

I hope that you'll remind me that EVERY freshman there is feeling the exact same way as me; lost, uneasy, confused, nervous, lonely, excited, scared-to-death, culture-shocked, ect...

I hope that you'll let me become friends with some pretty amazing people right off the bat, as if we've known each other our whole lives.

I hope that you'll eventually make my heart slow down, and let me sleep soundly tonight.

I hope that you'll give me safe travels on my one last road-trip as a delinquent teenager.

I hope that when it finally hits me that I'm packing for a one-way "trip" for the very first time in my life, that you won't let it hit me too hard.

I hope that you'll remind me that it's always enough to just be myself.

I also hope that I'm not asking too much of you...



  1. ohhh Jenni, you're gunna have so much fun out in bc. don't even think about us when you're there. its time to learn who you are. and if it does get difficult and sad, just remember we'be been there before, and we've survived. so you can too! i love you little Jenni.

  2. I Love you too little Jenni! Krissi's right you know. Plus, we are just a phone call/text message/email/facebook/blog away!!! You are going to have such a GREAT time!! I'm so proud of you! So is Ron! And Alora is too. Remember she sent you that card??!!? she wants to be just like you!!

    Love Leo. <3<3<3
