January 15, 2010

19...to 18...

Oh no. I can feel it, slowly makin' its way; This hunch, this inkling, this feeling that all of my leisurely hobbies and free time are about to vanish into thin air.

I started this semester with 19 credit hours. (WHOA) I know that the number "19" means absolutely nothing to an outsider with no personal interest in the matter, the outsider being you. So let me fill you in. At my university, 12 is the minimum amount of credit hours, whereas 19 is the maximum. Maximum, a.k.a, not recommended. Since I started with such a high amount of credit hours, I knew that I was going to drop at least one 3-credit class FOR SURE by the end of the week. Ummm...not possible! For some weird reason, I am in love with ALL of my classes. Who would've ever thought that'd be possible?
Philosophy: So interesting, great professor.
English- Drama & The Novel: It's my major, duh. And plus, we're reading C.S Lewis, and The Hobbit!
Human Kinetics: I love anything to do with fitness and nutrition, even though I don't usually practice it myself...hehe.
Sociology Marriage & Family: (hehe) ;)
Interdisciplinary Studies: Vital to life.
Psychology: Everything is totally relevant, phenomenal aaand the professor just might be an easy marker. ;)
Fine Arts: Has to be my favorite class in the whole entire world. We listen to music clips, do photography, study paintings, create sculptures, go to symphonies/operas, and watch films. It's definitely my thing. And the teacher is just fantastic, and I have a zero "zone-out" opportunity with him. :)

This morning I attended my Theatre Production class, which I honestly would've loved to be in. While we were looking over the syllabus I was just so excited about painting sets, sewing costumes, and ushering at events...until my 19 semester hours finally hit me in the head and made me realize that if I were to stay in the class, it could involve daily suicidal attempts or near-death experiences. (Ha, kidding...I think...)
So after elaborating with the professor, I decided to drop my 1-credit Theatre Production course. I'm kind of sad, and I realized that I should've taken it last semester, when I had more free time and less semester hours. But at the same time, I'm glad, because I was able to remove at least 1 semester hour off my plate, now leaving me with 18. I'm glad that I attended the class though, because it saved me from that dreaded "I wonder what would've happened if I would have gone to Theatre today....?" I can at least say that I tried!

I have a good feeling about this semester.


  1. Haha thats so different from last semester when you wanted to drop everything and I had to convince you to keep at least some things. funny jenni.

  2. 18 credit hours?! I wish you all the best! That's a bunch of work, but I'm sure you can do it:)
