August 3, 2009

I'm Home Sweet Home.

On a 7-day road trip to Virginia and back, there are a few things I've come to realize:
Journaling on a Macbook is 10x more efficient than journaling with pen and paper. No scribbles and no mess included!
My brother is the funniest guy in the world, and we get along better than any brother & sister duo that I’ve ever seen!
A quick dip in the pool, a hot shower, and crawling into bed with a bucket of ice while watching Family Guy after Bill O’Reily on Fox News = the best way to spend your evening in a hotel.
I will always remember the Perkins in Virginia for having the hottest waiter in North America.
I now know that the White House and the State Capital are two completely different buildings. (how embarrassing!!)
When your suitcase is sitting in the truck box, always cover it with a plastic bag. You never know when you’ll be innocently driving through Chicago and dark thundercloud will be more than willing to drench it.
Air-Conditioning is WAY overrated, and some people should learn to enjoy the +34 weather that Washington D.C has to offer.
My hair loves the East Coast (perfect blonde curls). My hair hates Manitoba (Frizz.)
It’s actually possible to go to the United States and not do any shopping at all…unfortunately.
Motor-Inns are proved to be creepy when at midnight and pitch black, you bump into a man standing RIGHT outside your door.
Ron and Elena’s new home is a strange resemblance of my Oma’s old house. Basement cellar, doorknobs, and everything!
Yes, it’s very possible to leave your bikini hanging in the hotel shower in Wisconsin. Whoops.
“Alright, OK” by Ashley Tisdale is my life story at this very moment. "I Got A Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas is the best pump-up song ever. And I feel like they need to make more songs like "Miami Trick" by LMFAO. Just saying...
You can never eat at Perkins too often. Is five times enough? Apparently not.
Chex Mix, Green Tea, the book “Emily Ever After”, and your own pillow that smells like home, are excellent travel companions.
After staying in 7 different hotels over the past 7 days, I am now officially what you call, a hotel expert.
Minneapolis is the same old, same old and a just a step-up from Manitoba. Wisconsin is a beautiful, and green dairy land; silos and red barns around every bend. I’m pretty sure that the entire city of Chicago is made up of bricks. And then there’s the Virginia countryside, it has to be the most beautiful place in the world; rolling green hills, long winding driveways lined with tall, lush trees, and stone hedges surrounding every property. And when I say property, I'm talking huge hill-top mansions, decked out with orchids around it. Beautiful!
Tollbooths are annoying, and end up being rather expensive with a truck and trailer hauling through twice in one month.
You know those cereal dispensers they have at those dreaded hotel continental breakfasts? Well, I want one. And If I had one, I’d fill it with Froot Loops…or maybe even Lucky Charms!
I LOVE American accents.
No matter how many jeans, shirts, shorts, and sweats you pack, which equal the potential to create over 20 different outfits, you'll always end up wearing the same thing more times than necessary. It never fails!
Apparently I can’t manage to stay awake past midnight anymore…sad.
Alora loves swimming pools, hot tubs, and bathtubs. She’s a ldolphin, just like her Auntie Jenni. :)
And last but not least, this family vacation was exactly what I needed, for reasons I won't explain. But talk about great timing, all in all. <3

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