July 25, 2009

No fear, no fences, no reins.

So, how does a young 18-year-old girl like me, get the outrageous idea in her head about starting a blog? That's a good question. And for a question like that, I'm pretty sure that I have a legitimate enough answer:

As I was browsing through numerous blogs on the internet the other day, it got me thinking: Wow, blogging about your personal life is actually pretty risky business. I mean, think about it! By keeping a blog, you're pretty much opening up a window to your soul for the whole world to see. And it's not just the people living 3000 miles away from you who are reading it, it's your next-door neighbor. It's your ex-boyfriend. It's that dude in high school who you were ALWAYS in the same class as, yet you never spoke a word to each other. It's that little girl who always sees you with your big posse of friends and desperately wonders what makes you "so cool". It's that guy you met at camp who's seriously crushing on you. It's your sister. And dare I say it, it's your mom! So what I'm trying to say here, is that anyone, and I mean anyone can read your blog. It's a huge statement of vulnerability, and for some reason, that attracts me. The thought of expressing my deepest feelings and concerns to anyone and everyone out there, in writing form, intrigued me. It's a huge challenge, and a huge leap of faith to let someone who's not even your best friend, into your head and pick apart the way you think.

Since my number one career goal is to become a writer, I figure that having this blog would be a good idea. Writing anything, from books to magazine articles to songs, play a HUGE part in vulnerability. I mean, wouldn't you agree that when Taylor Swift wrote, "Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see...", that she was wearing her heart on her sleeve? And wouldn't you agree that when Stephanie Meyer wrote Twilight, she was inspired enough by her own thoughts, feelings, and emotions to create the intense love story between Edward and Bella? That's what I wanna do! I want to be adventurous enough with my own thoughts and be able to write something truly amazing, just simply based on my personal experiences and stories. I believe that the only way to do that is to not hold anything back, and to just write exactly what you're feeling. Like, who cares who's going to read it? Who cares what they'll think? All that really matters --(insert cheesy/inspirational line here)--> is that you're being true to yourself. So if I'm going to fulfill this dream of being confident and "naked" with my thoughts one day, then why not start right now with a blog?

Hmm...sounds good to me.


  1. Haha, I like this one. Good thoughts, good ideas. Especially considering you want to be a writer!

  2. awe thanks matt! I really appreciate that!
