November 14, 2012
November 13, 2012
Oh, Love.
It's true what they say--they...whoever they is, is pretty darn wise--
...when you know, you know. :)
November 10, 2012
November 2, 2012
I found this website called "All Groan Up" (thank you, Kaila! I owe you one!), which is all about learning to make the best out of this awkward stage of life called your 20's. Lord knows I am totally in it now--going from job to job, constantly second-guessing my future career choices, thinkin' about marriage, feeling "old", feeling "poor"(thanks to rent!), and suffering from obsessive-comparison disorder. So this website really did knock on my door at the perfect time.
At this time in my life, I feel like I'm ALWAYS waiting for SOMETHING. I'm waiting to find a better job. I'm waiting for marriage. I'm waiting to go to culinary school. I'm waiting for some sign from God. I'm waiting for this...and waiting for that.
When I went to Bible school in Germany, our principle always told us, "In God's eyes, waiting time is never wasted time". So often in this period of "waiting" we just want time to fly so we can just get to where we want to be. But this time of "waiting" is really a time of growing! There's so much that can be done in it!
And that's pretty much what this article, "There is No Such Thing As Waiting" is all about...take a look:
1. Waiting is RESTORATIVE.
November 1, 2012
My Photo Stream.
A few weeks ago, I sold two of my old-school iPods (seriously, the iPod video 80GB is a BRICK), and I bought myself a brand new iTouch--white, to be exact. And since my camera is long broken, I now use my iTouch for photography purposes. The advantage of this little thing is that both my music AND my camera are all on one device, the downside is that it takes horribly bad quality photos. I thought they'd be better for some reason...but I think that's just the iPhone. Ah well, I'm not complaining--I have something to document my life with now! So here are some of the random things I've been up to: