February 27, 2012


When I stepped into the Christian book store this afternoon, my eyes landed upon an art piece by David Bowman:

The moment I looked at it, I thought of my brother Dale who died when he was just six years old. I thought about what it was like for him to meet Jesus for the very first time; what it was like to be held, and for him to verbally hear from Jesus "I love you, Dale". And just like the picture, I wondered what it was like to touch Jesus for the first time.

This had to be the most beautiful art piece I may have ever seen, and I didn't care how much it costed--it was a purchase I knew I'd never regret. I cannot wait to put this up on my bedroom wall, so everyday I can be reminded of the pure and perfect beauty that is preparing a place for us in Heaven.

This is what the artist himself included on the backside of the piece:

The Saviour tells us we need to become as little children to inherit the kingdom of God. I've often wondered what it is about little children Jesus loves most, and I think it's their innocence. They are clean slates, seeing the world and others through untarnished eyes. Their hearts are pure, without the baggage of cynicism and self-doubt.
In this piece, I've tried to imagine how a child would act upon meeting the Master for the first time. Without reservation or inhibition, I think he would simply want to play with Him. He would be at complete ease, allowing his pure little heart to soak in the love and laughter of His pure, infinite heart. It's no wonder Christ delights in these little ones and sets them up to be our examples.
-David Bowman-

Matthew 19:14: "Jesus said, 'let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."

❤  ❤  

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