April 2, 2012


This is my fifth blog post...Today. I guess I just have a lot on my heart.

You know that saying... "God needs to take away the good things in life to make room for the great things"? Well, I'm sort of feeling that way.

This school year, God has taken something from me, something that I thought was great...something I thought I couldn't live without. My initial reaction went from sadness, to self-pity, to anger...to questions.

God, what reason did you have to take this away from me? What is the point of all this?

Sometimes God has to take things away from us so that our eyes will be opened to what we've been finding our identity, security, and confidence in.

It's been a tough time of realization, a lot of tears, and loneliness...but I'm glad for it; I'm glad I finally realized it.

I want my dependence to be in God...not in the people who may or may not be surrounding me. Yes, it's hard, and yes I miss them and all the great & joyous feelings that come with them, but I know that God misses me more than I could ever miss anyone or anything.

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